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WhatsApp Image 2021-05-28 at

Daniel Bird

“Over a period of 15 months I completed at least 80 hours of classes with Iris. In that time, my French has improved in terms of fluency, grammatical accuracy and phonological awareness. The difference in my ability to have a conversation in French is like night and day. French friends have commented as much, and expressed great surprise as I move away from lacking confidence to being an eager French speaker. In addition to this, I enjoy the language a great deal more. This is because Iris is a continually positive teacher who motivates you through her limitless patience, genuine interest in real conversation and wide variety of activities. From reading diary entries to looking at Tweets and Memes - the various discourses of French come to life and, most importantly, are approachable. I look forward to every single class with Iris. Even if ‘J’ai la flemme’, she changes my attitude in minutes with her charm, wit, intelligence and enthusiasm. She has not only outstanding linguistic knowledge but an authentic passion for teaching that guarantees absolument you leaving each class not only knowing more French, but wanting to know plus plus plus.”

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